In arrivo al Surf Expo una delle Paddlers più forti d’europa: Susanne Lier. Recentemente ha vinto la tappa Eurosupa in Svizzera e si prepara per dare spettacolo anche in Italia per la prossima tappa in calendario a Santa Severa il 28 luglio ! Ma Susanne sarà anche promotrice dell’attività PADDLEFIT che combina SUP e fitness. Durante le 3 giornate chiunque volesse provare questo metodo di allenamento potrà rivolgersi alla campionessa e concordare le lezioni in spiaggia!! Appuntamento dal 26 al 28 luglio Surf Expo 2013


Aloha to Paddlefit™ !

Paddlefit™ combines Stand Up Paddle (SUP) and Fitness activities and gets you on the water to get in shape with fun! The fluid and simple act of paddling strengthen your core, back, abdominals and legs muscles and improves your coordination, balance and cardio. Discover the relaxing and healing power of water and maintain a healthy lifestyle in a unique way! More info

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Susanne Lier

Susanne was born in Germany and lives in Switzerland for 10 years. She has a passion for sport: experienced fitness instructor, loving gliding sports she came to the Alps for snowboarding and skiing.
Avid traveler she soon left to the US where she started a one year surf trip by car, from San Francisco to Panama City. Back in Switzerland she started SUP to be connected to the water and to extend her surfing experiences. She became an IOSUP flat water instructor last year.
In 2011, she developed Paddlefit™, a methodology combining fitness and SUP and became in 2012 the IOSUP Health and Fitness Master trainer.
Susanne’s goal is to promote SUP activities, get more people on the water and share with them the surfing spirit.
“SUP is accessible to everyone, with not limit of age or fitness level, so don’t limit yourself and start enjoying paddling now.”